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Get Asset

Get a digital asset by its ID


  • id string
    The id of the asset

Example Request

curl --request POST --url "<ENDPOINT>" --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "getAsset",
"params": [
"id": 0

Example Response

? in the end of the field name means that this field is optional

"interface": "string",
"id": "string",
"content?": {
"$schema": "string",
"json_uri": "string",
"files?": [
"uri": "string",
"mime": "string"
"uri": "string",
"mime": "string"
"metadata": {
"description": "string",
"name": "string",
"symbol": "string",
"token_standard": "string"
"links?": {
"image": "string",
"external_url": "string"
"authorities?": [
"address": "string",
"scopes": [
"compression?": {
"eligible": "boolean",
"compressed": "boolean",
"data_hash": "string",
"creator_hash": "string",
"asset_hash": "string",
"tree": "string",
"seq": "number",
"leaf_id": "number"
"grouping?": [
"group_key": "string",
"group_value": "string",
"verified?": "boolean"
"royalty?": {
"royalty_model": "string",
"target": "null|string",
"percent": "number",
"basis_points": "number",
"primary_sale_happened": "boolean",
"locked": "boolean"
"creators?": [
"address": "string",
"share": "number",
"verified": "boolean"
"address": "string",
"share": "number",
"verified": "boolean"
"ownership": {
"frozen": "boolean",
"delegated": "boolean",
"delegate": "null|string",
"ownership_model": "string",
"owner": "string"
"uses?": {
"use_method": "string",
"remaining": "number",
"total": "number"
"supply": "null|number",
"mutable": "boolean",
"burnt": "boolean",
"lamports?": "number",
"executable?": "boolean",
"rent_epoch?": "number",
"metadata_owner?": "string",
"plugins?": {
"permanent_burn_delegate": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {}
"permanent_transfer_delegate": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {}
"permanent_freeze_delegate": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {
"frozen": "boolean"
"royalties": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "null|string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {
"creators": [
"address": "string",
"percentage": "number"
"address": "string",
"percentage": "number"
"basis_points": "number",
"rule_set": {
"program_allow_list": [
"update_delegate": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {
"additional_delegates": []
"attributes": {
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "null|string"
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"data": {
"attribute_list": [
"key": "string",
"value": "string"
"key": "string",
"value": "string"
"unknown_plugins?": [
"type": "number",
"index": "number",
"offset": "number",
"authority": {
"type": "string",
"address": "null|string"
"data": "string"
"mpl_core_info?": {
"num_minted?": "number",
"current_size?": "number",
"plugins_json_version": "number"

The Mpl-Core feature has introduced several fields to the response, specifically associated with it, including:

  • plugins
  • unknown_plugins
  • mpl_core_info


This field contains an array of plugins that the DAS-API can parse. It is analogous to the jsonParsed encoding variant used in some standard Solana-RPC methods. Each plugin possesses its own human-readable data structure. The example response provided earlier showcases most of the potential plugins.

Unknown plugins

This array includes plugins that the DAS-API cannot parse. Each entry comprises the following fields:

  • type
  • index
  • offset
  • authority
  • data

The type field holds a number that represents the ordinal number of this plugin variant within the PluginType enumeration.

The index field contains a number indicating the ordinal position of this plugin within the plugins array for the requested Mpl-Core asset.

The offset field is a number representing the starting point in the account data byte slice from which this plugin's data begins.

The authority field is a JSON object detailing the plugin's authority. The type field can be one of the following: None, Owner, UpdateAuthority, or Address. The address field will contain a string with the authority's address if type is Address; in other cases, it will be null.

The data field contains a string with the base64-encoded data of the plugin.

MPL-Core info

This section provides information about the collection to which the asset belongs (MplCoreAsset value in the interface response field) or that it represents (MplCoreCollection value in the interface response field). If the asset does not belong to any collection, then the num_minted and current_size fields will be omitted.

The plugins_json_version field provides details about the DAS-API plugin parsing logic version. Currently, it always returns 1.